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FAFSA Changes

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2024-2025 FAFSA Updates

The 2024-2025 FAFSA, which determines your financial aid eligibility for Fall 2024, Spring 2025 and Summer 2025, opened Dec. 31, 2023. The FAFSA is readily available to complete; however, the Department of Education continues to track known issues with the new form. 

Changes to the FAFSA form include:

  • Expanded eligibility for federal student aid.
  • A streamlined application process with fewer questions, making the FAFSA easier for students and parents to complete. 
  • New financial aid terminology.

Review our Federal Tax Info and Data Sharing page regarding new data protections and protocols.

UWF and Department of Education Updates

The ED announced they have corrected the Pell Grant eligibility data in the COD System. Schools can now submit 2024-2025 Pell Grant records, and schools can resubmit any records that were previously rejected in error.

The ED announced  他们意识到一个反复出现的问题,即一些FAFSA记录有空白的SAI字段,并且不包含拒绝代码. 这个问题类似于6月份需要重新处理记录的问题. 审计部门发现,在6月中旬之后最初处理的新记录中,有一小部分记录存在这个问题. 这些记录将在本周由ED重新处理,并以“04”重新处理代码标识.

The Department of Education (ED) announced 他们的共同申请和支付(COD)系统拒绝了佩尔助学金的申请记录. The ED stated the system issue arose on August 18, 2024. As of today, August 28th, there is not a viable workaround for schools nor is there a resolution timeframe. What does this mean? Depending on when your FAFSA was received by UWF, your Pell Grant funds may not be disbursed in a timely manner for fall 2024. Please note that since this is a systemic issue with the ED's system, this is not an isolated incident at UWF. All schools that participate in Title IV funding have been impacted. The Office of Financial Aid & Scholarships is working closely with the Student Accounts & Cashier's Office 确保受影响的学生不会被罚款或被除名(如适用). 

教育署此前宣布,预计处理书面申请的工作将于六月底完成. ED随后在7月30日宣布将再延长两到三周. However, as of August 19th, 教育署宣布,他们预计将在8月底前完成FAFSA纸质表格的处理. Please see our May 22 update for additional details.

As an update to our May 3rd posting (please review for background information), the ED announced an interim solution for students that indicate they are an eligible noncitizen on the FAFSA form; however, 在初步匹配过程中,国土安全部(DHS)没有核实该学生的移民身份. These students are currently "pending" a secondary match. As mentioned in the May 3rd update, the secondary match process with the DHS is not currently available, so schools were unable to "search cases" to potentially move forward. As of August 8th, the ED indicated to mitigate the issue, 现在,一项临时的改变将允许学校访问国土安全部悬而未决的中学匹配案件. 学校将能够在SAVE系统中查看案例,提交学生的文件供审查,以进行第三步验证. However, schools will still not receive an updated ISIR (i.e.(FAFSA的机构记录)和第二场比赛将保持“未决”状态. 从第三步验证请求发送到国土安全部之日起,学校必须至少等待15个工作日,才能预期美国政府会正式回复第三步验证请求.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). If a formal response is not received back from the SAVE system, UWF将无法继续前进,除非我们有学生的文件,由ED明确定义为可接受的文件,确认合格的非公民身份. 

Please note the 2025-2026 FAFSA will be effective with the 2025 Fall semester. The ED announced 即将推出的2025-2026年FAFSA将于10月1日开始“分阶段推出”, 2024 to a limited set of students and institutions for testing. 教育局计划到10月中旬将测试期扩大到“数千”名学生, and to "tens of thousands" of students in early November. 教育部目前的目标是在12月1日或之前向所有学生和家庭开放FAFSA. 
Given the number of glitches, errors, and technical issues after the rollout of the 2024-2025 FAFSA, 教育部表示,将逐步发布2025-2026年FAFSA,以改进测试并继续收集学生的意见, families, and higher education institutions.

FAFSA表格要求通过FA-DDX带来的FTI中不包括的财务信息 . For this reason, 在申请人或贡献者有FTI数据并且还手动指出他们没有提交美国税务申报的情况下,解决冲突信息时.S. tax return in 2022, 学校必须按照更新后的指导要求提供适当的文件,以便对所需的额外字段(如.e., foreign income excluded from taxation, pension rollovers, IRA rollovers, and Earned Income Tax Credit ). Not all income and tax information is transferred via the FA-DDX as FTI. As a result, 如果学校试图纠正的ISIR事务中任何额外字段为空白,则学校认为这些字段为“0”是不正确的. Schools should review previous corrections that were submitted prior to July 24, 2024年,在没有可接受的文件或没有完成所有更新步骤以确定是否需要修改的情况下进行.

教育署宣布,学校将无法通过批量处理提交学校发起的更正, and the functionality will not exist until the 2025-2026 FAFSA cycle. Batch processing allows financial aid professionals to more quickly, efficiently, and accurately submit FAFSA corrections in bulk, and is ordinarily available when the FAFSA application goes live, typically on October 1. Without batch corrections, along with all other schools, UWF must manually submit corrections for individual students, which is a laborious process. As mentioned in prior ED updates (i.e., May 10, June 18, July 1), students that have been selected for verification, have conflicting information, 或已提交专业判决的上诉可能会受到这一意外行政负担的影响.

The Department revised 当申请人或贡献者在ISIR上报告了FTI数据时,也手动表示他们没有提交U.S. tax return in 2022. 修订后的学校需要在向FAFSA处理系统(FPS)提交更正之前收集适当的文件。.

虽然学校应该在“6月底”之前提交FAFSA更正。, the ED announced the federal systems are not ready. The ED announced functionality should be released "in the next few days". 此外,美国商务部表示,在全面开始处理纸质fafsa之前,“至少需要一周时间”.

As an update to the May 10th notice, 教育署宣布,在“8月上半月”之前,学校将无法通过批量机构整改来纠正FAFSA。. In "late June" schools should be able to make corrections directly to the federal system; however, this process would be on an individual student-level basis. Meaning, 被选中进行验证或提交专业判断上诉的学生可能会受到此延迟的影响. 

Due to increased data errors via the 2024-2025 FAFSA, additional guidance was released from the ED to clarify conflicting information. When conflicting information is present, 联邦政府要求UWF在确定资格或发放联邦学生援助之前解决问题. For any FAFSA aid year, 无论信息来源或学生是否被选中进行核实,学校都必须解决相互冲突的信息. However, due to increased errors seen in 2024-2025, the ED announced clarification to the already established federal requirement. UWF要求的文件类型取决于FAFSA上存在哪些相互冲突的信息. If your FAFSA has conflicting information, you will be notified and tasks will be added to your financial aid portal. In most instances, UWF将首先试图澄清情况,然后根据相互冲突的信息的具体情况,就可接受的文件提出建议. 请注意,这不是一个可以被视为相互矛盾的信息的详尽列表. 
Conflicting Information for 2024-2025: 
  1. 各种实例,但不是全部,其中税务信息是手动输入的,但是 Federal Tax Information (FTI) was also retrieved on the same FAFSA.
  2. Non-filers with FTI.
  3. Various instances of reported taxable Grants and Scholarships.
Not Considered Conflicting Information for 2024-2025:
  1. Data for education tax credits transferred via the FUTURE Act-Direct Data Exchange (FA-DDX) prior to March 30, 2024.
  2. 与通过FA-DDX传输的修改和更新的纳税申报表数据不符. 
  3. 对于需要手动提供收入和税务信息的个人,FAFSA表格上的指示不一致导致的问题. 
  4. FAFSA流程系统(FPS)计算错误导致的已知问题. 

教育局宣布,他们将在6月底开始处理2024-2025年的纸质FAFSA表格. Once processed, 提交纸质FAFSA表格并提供有效电子邮件地址的学生将收到一封电子邮件,告知他们可以在学生援助上访问他们的FAFSA提交摘要.gov. 未提供有效电子邮件地址的学生将在处理后7-10天内通过邮寄方式收到纸质的FAFSA提交摘要. However, 教育署强烈鼓励学生和投稿人在线填写FAFSA,而不是填写纸质表格. 如果申请人首先完成纸质FAFSA,然后完成在线申请, the online FAFSA will supersede the paper application. 

As of May 17, 2024, 教育署宣布,所有受影响的FAFSA申请已经重新处理并发送给学校(更多信息请参阅4月1日的更新)。. UWF waived the associated requirement for affected students on May 17th. Additionally, 行政长官会继续检讨“少数潜在问题”,并会尽快在“本周”提供解决方案。. 仍然有少数fafsa没有计算SAI,没有拒绝码和缺失 verification flag indicators, which should also be resolved "this week". 

教育局宣布,当用户开始2024-25年FAFSA更正并选择编辑或更改表格中的答案时, they are unable to directly navigate to the “High School Status Completion” page.
  • 如果用户最初输入的是高中文凭,输入的是高中名称, after they complete the “Parent Killed in Line of Duty” page, 他们跳过了“学生高中完成”页面,而被带到“确认你的高中”页面.

  • 如果用户在原始申请中没有注明高中文凭, after they complete the “Parent Killed in Line of Duty” page, 他们会跳过“学生高中完成情况”页面,而被带到“学生财务”页面.

Workaround: 用户应在“确认高中”页面或“学生财务”页面中选择“上一页”按钮导航到“学生高中完成状态”页面并进行必要的更改.

As of May 10, 2024, 教育局宣布,学校在“6月底”之前无法进行FAFSA更正。. 到6月底,学校可以通过联邦系统提交修改意见, but this will be on an individual student-level basis. Meaning, 我们不能发送文件,必须通过联邦系统为每个需要更正的适用学生提交更正. 6月底之后的几周内,学校将无法发送批量更正文件. Students that are selected for verification or submit Professional Judgment Appeal may be impacted by this delay. 

作为FAFSA处理系统执行的一系列检查的一部分,以验证申请人是否有资格获得联邦学生援助, 国土安全部(DHS)的系统性外国人身份验证系统, or SAVE, 是用来核实学生的移民身份谁声称是合格的非公民. 如果申请人在FAFSA表格上表明他们是合格的非公民并提供A-Number, 他们的身份信息被送到国土安全部进行合格的非公民验证. The results on this match are displayed on the  ISIR (i.e., institutional record of the FAFSA), represented as DHS match statuses. 而isir则继续通过初始匹配或主要匹配过程与国土安全部进行验证, 与DHS的二次匹配过程在2024-25应用周期中还不可用. 该部预计,国土安全部的二级匹配程序将在不久的将来可用, 教育署会在知识中心公布最新消息,通知各学校.

Currently, 学校无法查看或解决在中学比赛过程中待审查的案件. 试图解决与申请人符合条件的非公民身份相关的DHS匹配标志的学校将收到“No Cases Found”消息. As a result, 在某些情况下,UWF无法确定合格的非公民身份, 我们必须等待一个新的系统生成的ISIR,然后再尝试在SAVE中验证合格的非公民身份. 除非学生符合条件的非公民文件被教育局明确定义为当前指导中可接受的文件, we must wait until the secondary DHS match process is available. 

As of April 30, 2024, 商务部宣布,“几乎所有”受影响的、存在各种问题的fafsa都已重新处理. 请等待7到10个工作日,让UWF收到更正后的fafsa,并查看您的经济援助文件的任何更新. The ED also announced that once a FAFSA form is submitted, the ED is sending to institutions within 1 to 3 days of submission.

Additionally, 教育署宣布,没有社会安全号码(SSN)的申请人和捐助者现在可以在创建学生援助后立即访问在线2024-2025年FAFSA表格.gov account. Manual entry of 2022 tax information will be required. Users who request a StudentAid.gov帐户并且无法使用基于知识的问题(由TransUnion生成)验证其身份时,仍然必须完成手动过程以验证其身份. Students without an SSN must verify their eligible noncitizen status through their school before they receive any federal funds.

Complete announcement: 关于没有社会安全号码的个人获取2024-25年度FAFSA表格的最新信息

3月中旬,UWF开始从教育部(ED)收到小批量的2024-2025年fafsa. 教育署表示,他们会继续小批地向学校发放助学金,并在数周内逐步增加发放数量. Once the ED is processing at full capacity, they have indicated it will take two weeks to process the backlog. 截至今天,UWF正在等待系统更新和后续测试,然后再处理FAFSA数据. 初步而言,我们会在四月中开始处理从教育署收到的财务资助申请. 我们将在4月底或5月初开始为新生制定经济援助计划.

As of April 15, 2024, 教育部宣布,学生发起的更正现在可以广泛地提供给申请人和他们的贡献者. 需要更正或选择对其FAFSA表格进行添加或更改的学生应返回 to complete those updates. 学生通常应该能够在提交更正后的1到3天内查看他们更新的FAFSA提交摘要.  For information on submitting corrections, please see How To Correct or Update Your FAFSA Form.

As of April 9, 2024, ED已经修改了4月上半月的税务差异再处理时间表. 教育部宣布,他们现在的目标是在5月1日之前重新处理所有受税收影响的FAFSA申请. ED澄清说,他们希望在下周之前对其他已知问题的fafsa进行再处理, so the extended May 1 timeline is specific to the tax discrepancies. 如果您的FAFSA再次被处理,您将通过电子邮件收到教育处的通知.

As of April 4, 2024, ED宣布,所有受税收差异影响的FAFSA申请将在4月上半月功能可用时得到纠正和重新处理. 如果您的FAFSA在4月份再次处理,您将通过电子邮件收到教育处的通知.

As of April 1, 2024, 教育署宣布,大约20%的FAFSA申请受到以下问题之一的影响:

  • 一些数据字段是从更新的和原始的报表中提取的,导致税务数据不一致.
  • Educational tax credit data field is inaccurate.
  • For manually entered tax information, inaccurate reported values for education tax credits and income taxes paid, due to discrepancies in the instructions.

As of March 27, 2024, 教育部宣布,需要更新和更正FAFSA的FAFSA申请人将能够在4月上半月这样做.

To prepare for the 2024-2025 FAFSA, you can:

Verify FSA ID(s)

FSA ID是一个账户和密码,可以让你访问联邦学生援助的在线系统,并作为你的电子签名. FSA IDs can take a few days to be created and verified, 所以提前准备好你的表格可以让你尽快完成FAFSA.

Confirm your existing FSA ID and email address, or create an FSA ID on the Federal Student Aid website, and assist contributors, such as your parent(s) or spouse, in creating an FSA ID. Be sure to opt in to SMS message alerts 接收最新通知,了解FAFSA即将发生的变化.

With the FSA ID, you can fill out the FAFSA when it’s available (by Dec. 31) and sign your Master Promissory Note (MPN), if applicable.

Estimate Aid

Before the FAFSA opens in December, you can use the Federal Student Aid Estimator 工具,找出多少联邦学生援助,你可能有资格在2024-2025奖励年度. 

This tool estimates the Student Aid Index (SAI) for 2024–25 award year, not the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) for 2023–24 award year.

Complete the FAFSA

Complete the FAFSA as soon as it opens (by Dec. 31).

Instead of opening in October, the 2024-2025 FAFSA will open in December 2023. This change is temporary. After the 2024-2025 aid year, the FAFSA will be available in October as usual.

For a preview of the updated FAFSA, check out Federal Student Aid's October 2023 Financial Aid Bootcamps:

The U.S. 教育部预计,它将在2024年1月底开始向各院校发送FAFSA数据.

The FAFSA will have fewer questions and fewer requirements. 它将使用国税局的直接数据交换来检索税务信息,而不是以前的国税局数据检索工具.

The FAFSA is introducing new terminology, including:


贡献者是任何需要在学生的FAFSA表格上提供信息的人, including the student, the student’s spouse, a biological or adopted parent, or the parent’s spouse.

  • Being a contributor does not imply responsibility for the student's college costs.
  • Students will need the contributor’s name, date of birth, Social Security Number, and email address to invite them to complete the required portion of the FAFSA.
  • All contributors—student, 学生的配偶(如果已婚)和学生的父母(如果是受抚养的学生)-必须同意将税务数据直接从IRS转移到FAFSA. If consent is not provided by all parties, the student will not be eligible for federal financial aid. In previous years, transferring IRS data was optional. It is now required. In addition, small businesses and family farms are now considered assets. 
  • If you are a dependent student, you will report your parents' information and your own. If your parents are divorced or separated, the contributing parent(s) is the parent (and their spouse, 如果再婚)在提交FAFSA之前的12个月里,谁提供了你大部分的经济支持. 在过去的12个月里,你的父母并不一定是你的主要同居对象.

Student Aid Index

The need analysis formula to determine financial aid, formerly known as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC), will now be the Student Aid Index (SAI). Unlike the EFC, the SAI may be a negative number. The maximum EFC was zero.

The number of family members in college will still be asked on the FAFSA, but it will be excluded from the federal, state, and institutional financial aid calculation.

Students may qualify for a maximum Pell Grant based on family size, adjusted gross income (AGI), poverty guidelines and tax filing status. Students with a negative or 0 SAI are eligible for the maximum Pell Grant.

FAFSA Submission Summary

The Student Aid Report (SAR) will now be called the FAFSA Submission Summary. 这是你在教育部处理你的FAFSA后收到的摘要提交文件. 当你的FAFSA提交摘要可以在3月上半月开始查看时,你将收到一封电子邮件.

The adjustments to the new Student Aid Index (SAI) calculation will expand Federal Pell Grant (nonrepayable aid) eligibility to more students.

  • FAFSA仍然需要每年的联邦援助考虑,并提供给美国.S. citizens or eligible noncitizens.
  • Questions introduced in 2023-24 about the applicant's sex, race, 种族对联邦学生资助资格没有影响,仅用于统计目的.
  • Dependency status questions to determine whether your parents must provide their information remain the same.
  • FAFSA仍将要求在奖励年度前两年的年度纳税信息. For the 2024-2025 FAFSA, contributors will report 2022 tax information. 因特殊情况导致收入大幅减少的家庭仍可提出申请 special circumstances review.
  • Federal education loan requirements remain the same.
  • Academic requirements for federal aid are still required to maintain eligibility.


We will continue to update this page as more information becomes available.